Géraldine Van der Auwera, 101 Genomes advisor and author of "Genomics in the Cloud".


Géraldine Van der Auwera is a talented researcher from Brussels. She lives in the USA, where she worked for many years at the Broad Institute (co-created by MIT and Harvard University). She is the author of one of the very first books devoted to the alliance between the Cloud and genomics, and has contributed to the [...]

January 31, 2023

GEMS webinars for the Association Française des Syndromes de Marfan et Apparentés (AssoMarfans)

GEMS, 2023

At the request of the Association Française des Syndromes de Marfan et Apparentés (AssoMarfans), Ludivine has recorded a video and we are organizing various webinar sessions to help people who wish to join the GEMS study (https://www.101gems.be/site). Here is the e-mail sent by AssoMarfans to its members: Advance research on Marfan syndrome [...].

June 6, 2023

"Meet the Boss" interview with Radio Judaica


On Wednesday May 31, 2023, Ludivine and Romain were invited by Olivier Sokolski and Laurent Poznantek to take part in the "Meet the Boss" program on Radio Judaica to present the work of 101 Génomes and share their vision for research into rare diseases. During the show, Ludivine and Romain spoke about the [...].

June 6, 2023

I³H symposium: Patient access to innovation: lessons from rare diseases


On March 31, 2023, Ludivine was invited by Professor Michel Goldman to explain the work of 101 Génomes at the conference "Patient Access to Innovation: Learning from Rare diseases". The symposium was organized at the Palais des Académies by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in Healthcare (I³h), the Fondation Médicaments et Société [...].

June 8, 2023

Colby T. Ford, our cloud architect


Since June 2022, the Genomic Cloud of 101 Genomes is operational. To date, this bioinformatics biobank (Bio-Biobank) is probably already one of the largest genomic databases (WGS) of Marfan syndrome patients in the world (if not the largest). And everything is set for it to keep growing! [...]

February 7, 2023

VASCERN ePAG Exchange: 101 Genomes and GEMS at UZA


On January 20 and 21, 2023, two days of seminars about 101 Genomes and the GEMS project were organized at the UZA at the request of the ePAGs (patient organization representatives) of the VASCERN (European Reference Network for Rare Vascular Diseases). The main objectives were to understand the action of 101 Genomes, the interest of [...]

January 23, 2023

2023: Heading for Tomorrow


Dear Supporters, First of all, we would like to wish you a happy holiday season and a wonderful year 2023. Retrospective 2022 We would like to share with you some of the major milestones that were reached in 2022 by Fondation 101 Génomes. This year, we received approval from the Erasmus Ethics Committee and [...]

December 29, 2022

Marfan Europe Network : What's new since Drammen?

GEMS, 2022

On September 16, 2022, Romain was invited to present to the 'Marfan Europe Network' (M.E.N.) the progress made by the 101 Marfan Genomes Project since the previous network meeting in Drammen in September 2019. It was an excellent opportunity to give an update on the implementation of the biobank (BioB) and the Genomic [...]

September 21, 2022

Hiring a postdoctoral researcher in machine learning and bioinformatics for the Genome4Brussels consortium

2022, G4BXL

In the framework of the Genome4Brussels (G4BXL) consortium, Prof. Tom Lenaerts and Dr. Sofia Papadimitriou (info) are hiring a researcher to join the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (http://www.ibsquare.be) and the ULB Machine Learning group (http://mlg.ulb.ac.be) to continue their team's fascinating work on the oligogenic causes of rare and less rare diseases. The announcement is available [...]

21 May 2022

Fondation 101 Génomes is developing three new Apps with MIC computer scientists to facilitate research in the field of rare diseases

GEMS, GEMVAP, 2022, Not classified

The F101G was assisted by three computer scientists to develop three new Apps to facilitate research in the field of rare diseases (GEMS pilot project) and to make the results of a bioinformatics tool using artificial intelligence (GEMVAP) available to the general public. This successful collaboration was organised by mic.brussels (Microsoft/Region of Brussels) and the [...].

19 May 2022

Genome4Brussels by Emma Verkinderen

2022, G4BXL

Since 2019, Fondation 101 Génomes has been participating in the Genome4Brussels project co-financed by the Brussels region (Innoviris). This project brings together the Foundation and three organisations specialised in bioinformatics, genetics and algorithms: the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics Brussels (IB)², the ULB Center of Human Genetic (CHG) and the ULB Machine Learning Group (MLG). This consortium has set up [...]

24 March 2022

Genome4Brussels by Sofia Papadimitriou

2022, G4BXL

Since 2019, Fondation 101 génomes has had the privilege of working with three organisations specialised in bioinformatics, genetics and algorithms (IB², CHG and MLG) on the Genomes4Brussels project co-financed by the Brussels region (Innoviris). Genome4Brussels aims to create an ecosystem to optimise the development of bioinformatics tools for genome analysis and to facilitate the transfer of these tools to [...]

12 February 2022

May 2022 bring you health, resilience and joy!


Thank you for your support and generosity during a year 2021 that has been difficult for many of us. Despite this, in 2021, the laboratory (GEMS) and bioinformatics (Genome4BXL) researchers that we fund thanks to you have been working tirelessly on Marfan syndrome. The development of the in vitro genomic biobank will be a key part of the [...]

6 January 2022

Success of the Filigranes action and photos of the night of 29 November


Thanks to your presence, your purchases (on the spot or online) and your donations, the Filigranes action brought in almost 20,000 euros at Fondation 101 Génomes ! Thank you all for making the Filigranes action such a success! Thank you to our sponsors for this event and especially to the Bertinchamps brewery, [...]

6 January 2022

Watermarks | Books recommended by the F101G team


From 22 to 29 November 2021: 20% of your online purchases on filigranes.be with the promo code "101 GENOMES" will be donated to Fondation 101 Génomes! As part of this action, we have asked the main people involved in the Fondation 101 Génomes adventure to recommend a book. Here are their suggestions: 1. Prof. Guillaume Smits (ERASME) [...]

26 November 2021

Filigranes | Online action for the benefit of the F101G from 22 to 29 November 2021!


ONLINE ACTION: From 22 to 29 November 2021: 20% of your online purchases on filigranes.be with the promo code "101 GENOMES" are donated to Fondation 101 Génomes! Order now online on filigranes.be with the promo code "101 GENOMES" the books, comics, toys, wines, cosmetics, etc. that you will offer to the [...]

22 November 2021

Filigranes evening with Philippe Geluck for the benefit of the Fondation 101 Génomes


On 29 November 2021 from 8 to 11 pm, Marc Filipson will open the doors of Filigranes at Fondation 101 Génomes (F101G) in the presence of Philippe Geluck, Fred Jannin, Gilles Dal and many other authors. During this evening, 20% of the amount of the purchases as well as the totality of the receipts of the bar will be donated [...]

8 November 2021

Ludivine closes the Edelweiss Awards 2021 ceremony organised by RaDiOrg


On 10 November 2021, RaDiOrg, the Belgian rare disease alliance, honoured individuals and organisations active in the field of rare diseases with the Edelweiss Awards. The Edelweiss Award ceremony is an important day that highlights the exceptional work that many people do behind the scenes and in the field of rare diseases.

13 November 2021

Three computer scientists from the mic.brussels trainees at the Fondation 101 Génomes


For four months, the Fondation 101 Génomes (F101G) benefited from the help of three young computer scientists who came to develop a new concept as part of an internship organised by the mic.brussels (My innovation center.Brussels). The mic.brussels collaborates with the Brussels computer schools from which it selects the best profiles each year to take part in its training programme.

3 November 2021

Genome4Brussels: AI, Genomics & Rare Diseases


In 2019, the 101 Genomes Foundation, the Interuniversity Institute Of Bioinformatics Brussels (IB2), the ULB Center of Human Genetics (CHG) and the ULB Machine Learning Group (MLG) participated in a call for projects launched by Innoviris with the "Genome4Brussels" project. Within the framework of this project, they have decided to create an ecosystem that will allow the optimisation of the [...]

31 May 2021

Survey on Diagnostic Wandering in Rare Diseases in Belgium


Professor Sandy Tubeuf from UCL is conducting a 'Survey on Diagnostic Errancy in Rare Diseases in Belgium'. Fondation 101 Génomes fully supports this research. She hopes that her findings will help to identify solutions to reduce the duration of the terrible diagnosis wandering. Concretely, Ludivine participated in the realisation of the questionnaire [...]

31 May 2021

"Genomics & Algorithms for Rare Diseases" Interview with Prof. Guillaume Smits and Romain Alderweireldt

GEMVAP, 2021

This interview was published in "Le Chaînon - the magazine of patient and family associations" of the LUSS, N° 52 in September 2020. Le Chaînon (LC) : Romain, with Ludivine Verboogen you created Fondation 101 Génomes (F101G) which aims to promote genomic research in the field of cancer.

December 29, 2020

RaDiOrg's "I'm not a unicorn" campaign


With the 'I'm not a unicorn' campaign, RaDiOrg reminds us that, even though they are often invisible, rare disease patients really do exist...unlike unicorns. This national campaign is being carried out for the first time for the benefit of the 8 Belgian rare disease hospitals. Find out what is at stake, what are its objectives and how the campaign will be implemented.

February 28, 2021

Bart Loeys, specialist in Marfan and Loeys-Dietz syndromes, honoured with the "Belgian Nobel Prize": a first for rare diseases!

2020, GEMS

On December 16, 2020, Professor Bart Loeys, a pediatric cardio-geneticist from the University of Antwerp, world-renowned specialist in Marfan syndrome and related diseases (such as Loeys-Dietz syndrome), co-Chairman of the Scientific Committee of Fondation 101 Génomes and leader of the GEMS project, received from His Majesty the King the prestigious [...].

December 30, 2020

"Een magisch getal" the story of Sam and his parents


At the origin of Fondation 101 Génomes, there is the birth of Aurélien, who suffers from a rare form of a rare disease. Since Aurélien's birth and the announcement of his diagnosis, we have already come a long way together. Along the way, we have come across other children with Marfan syndrome and their families. […]

January 23, 2021

Donations to F101G are now possible via Facebook


Fondation 101 Génomes is now a philanthropic organization recognized by Facebook! As a first consequence, the F101G's Facebook page now includes a new button that allows you to make donations via Facebook in just a few clicks! Second consequence, you can now organize your own fundraising campaigns to benefit F101G.

January 23, 2021

F101G wishes you a safe, healthy and prosperous 2021!


Dear all, We are leaving behind a particularly bleak year 2020 to start a year 2021 full of promises, especially for the 101 Genomes Foundation (F101G) and the fight against Marfan syndrome since: The co-president of the scientific committee of the F101G, Professor Bart Loeys, was recently honoured with the Belgian "Nobel Prize", the Nobel Prize for [...]

January 9, 2021

GEMS | 700.000 euros for the quest for protective genes

2020, GEMS

700,000 euros to finance the Ghent & Antwerp teams working on GEMS! On December 16, 2020, Professors Bart Loeys and Paul Coucke have both received more than 700,000 euros in funding from the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO) to work in the laboratory on the F101G flagship project: the GEMS! project. This is fantastic! […]

December 30, 2020

GEMS | A generous donor doubles up to 75,000 Euros in donations for the GEMS project!

2020, GEMS

On October 26, 2020, Fondation 101 Génomes signed a Matching Gifts agreement with a partner who wishes to finance the GEMS project with 75,000 euros over three years. This partner will therefore double all donations made to Fondation 101 Génomes for GEMS research over three years. […]

December 30, 2020

GEMS | What is the GEMS Project?

2020, GEMS

GEMS stands for Genome-wide Epistasis for cardiovascular severity in Marfan Study. The objective of GEMS is to identify protective modifier genes (= epistatic genes) within the whole human genome that can explain the variability in cardiovascular severity found in individuals with Marfan syndrome. Such a discovery would make it possible to consider [...].

December 29, 2020

Computer specialists come to help the F101G (... and we have offices)!


In collaboration with Microsoft, the MIC "My Innovation Center" in Brussels has decided to help Fondation 101 Génomes to progress in the implementation of its hosting and sharing solution for genomic data by providing three computer scientists during the first half of 2021... ... and a fantastic family is putting at our disposal a [...].

January 9, 2021

News from the "impatient! »


We are pleased to share with you the email Alisa sent to the "impatient! "in December 2020. As a reminder, "impatient! " is the crowdfunding platform developed to support the activities of Fondation 101 Génomes. In her letter, Alisa gives an update on the progress that has been made thanks to the fantastic campaign [...]

December 29, 2020

F101G speaks at the international E³SUMMIT summit organised by the US Marfan Foundation


On 28 September 2020, Romain participated in the international online summit organized by the American Marfan Foundation: "E³ Summit". The summit took place online from 25 August to 12 September 2020 and was a great success, with more than 2,810 participants from 75 countries. The various presentations were presented in [...]

December 29, 2020

The eight guiding principles identified by the King Baudouin Foundation and the Dr Daniël De Coninck Fund


In October 2020, the King Baudouin Foundation and the Dr Daniël De Coninck Fund communicated the list of eight ethical principles, the "8 Caring Technology Principles", which must be met today and in the future by technological innovations in the field of health and well-being. Prior to the official publication of these principles, the Foundation [...].

January 2, 2021

"The marfan multidisciplinary consultation organised at UCL " Cross interview with Prof. Thierry Sluysmans and Ludivine Verboogen


This interview was published in "Le Chaînon - la revue des associations de patients et de proches" of the LUSS, N° 52 in September 2020. Le Chaînon (LC): Ludivine, what is Marfan syndrome? Ludivine Verboogen (LV): Marfan syndrome is a rare multi-systemic disease that affects, in particular, the elderly and the [...]].

December 30, 2020

"Access to Medicines in the Context of Rare Diseases" by Prof. Sandy Tubeuf and Romain Alderweireldt


This article appeared in "Le Chaînon - la revue des associations de patients et de proches", N°52 in September 2020. The research carried out by Professor Sandy Tubeuf and Doctor Setti Rais (Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in Economics and Statistics) on the economic stakes in the context of rare diseases is [...]

January 2, 2021

"The King Baudouin Foundation, a key player in the promotion of scientific research on rare diseases in Belgium" by Bénédicte Gombault and Romain Alderweireldt


This article appeared in "Le Chaînon - la revue des associations de patients et de proches", N°52 in September 2020. For years, the King Baudouin Foundation has been mobilising, in various ways, to stimulate research on rare diseases and improve patient care. The King Baudouin Foundation is home to the King Baudouin Fund for Rare Diseases.

January 3, 2021

Lauriane Janssen and the Fondation 101 Génomes


This article was published in n°61 of the quarterly newspaper "Le Coeur et la main" of the Belgian Association of Marfan Syndrome asbl. Lauriane Janssen died on 21 November at the age of 33. Lauriane was a brilliant Belgian researcher who was pursuing her career at the University of Oulu in Finland. Lauriane was suffering from [...]

May 2, 2020

"Hope makes our heart beat marfan" Lauriane Janssen (9 May 1986- 20 November 2019)


Lauriane Janssen died last night at the age of 33. Lauriane was a brilliant Belgian researcher who was pursuing her career at the University of Oulu in Finland. Lauriane was suffering from Marfan syndrome and was on the front line of the fight against this disease. She worked for the newspaper "Le Coeur [...].

November 21, 2019

Big data and artificial intelligence, sources of solutions for rare diseases

GEMVAP, 2019

During the day of June 17, 2019, a post dedicated to the application of AI in the context of rare diseases was broadcast several times on the radio station "La Première". This post cites the action of Fondation 101 Génomes as an example. You will find the transcript below and you can listen to it by following this link. […]

November 12, 2019

Invitation "One day, one night..."


Dear supporters, We are delighted to invite you to the Lyric Concert that will take place on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. rue des Jambes, 15 à 1420 Braine-l'Alleud (Parking: Q-Park, Rue Fortemps at 1420 Braine-l'Alleud). This concert is organized by the director of the Aurélien school, Mrs Hélène Nabokoff and her husband, Mr Alexis Greindl. […]

October 13, 2019

"Together to save 10 years of research" by Mrs Ludivine VERBOOGEN and Mr Romain ALDERWEIRELDT

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Mrs Ludivine VERBOOGEN and Mr Romain ALDERWEIRELDT, founders of F101G, explain the common objective of the ABSM and F101G to win 10 years of research dedicated to Marfan Syndrome during the Gala of the 20th anniversary of the Belgian Association of Marfan Syndrome (ABSM) which took place on October 5th, 2019.

October 13, 2019

Find all the photos of the ABSM 20 Years Gala

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

ABSM 20th anniversary gala (Part 1/2) (Photo credits: Christophe Danaux | www.birdy.photo | birdy@christophedanaux.be | birdy@christophedanaux.be) ABSM 20th anniversary gala (Part 2/2) (Photo credits: Fabien Chevigne | fabien_chevigne@hotmail.fr)  

October 13, 2019

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome" by Professor Guillaume Smits

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Professor Guillaume SMITS, Université Libre de Bruxelles, member of the scientific committee of the 101 Marfan Genomes Project, explains the tool "GEne specific Missense VAriant Predictor (GEMVAP)" developed thanks to the F101G and the role of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome during the Gala of the 20 years of the Belgian Association of Marfan Syndrome [...].

12 October 2019

"An evocation of current research and future perspectives" by Professor Bart Loeys

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Professor Bart LOEYS, University of Antwerp & Co-Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the 101 Genomes Marfan Project, presents the state of research initiated by the F101G: Genome-wide Epistasis for cardiovascular severity in Marfan Study (GEMS) and his vision of the future at the Gala of the 20 years of the Belgian Association for Marfan Syndrome.

12 October 2019

"The long road to precision medicine for Marfan syndrome" by Professor Julie De Backer

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Professor Julie DE BACKER, University of Ghent & Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee of the 101 Marfan Genomes Project, traces the "long road to precision medicine for Marfan Syndrome" during the Gala of the 20 years of the Belgian Marfan Syndrome Association (BMSA) that took place in Brussels on [...].

12 October 2019

"A new approach to crowdfunding" by Mrs Alisa HERRERO and Mr Thomas CARTON DE WIART

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Mrs. Alisa HERRERO and Mr. Thomas CARTON DE WIART present "Impatients", the tool that will allow to gather the necessary funds for the research dedicated to Marfan syndrome and to support the action of patient associations during the Gala of the 20 years of the Belgian Association of Marfan Syndrome (ABSM) that took place in Brussels on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the [...]

12 October 2019

Declaration of cooperation for the 101 Genomes project dedicated to Marfan syndrome

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

During the Gala for the 20th anniversary of the Belgian Marfan Syndrome Association (ABSM), which took place on 5 October 2019 at the Palais des Académies, the Presidents of the Belgian, Luxembourg and French patient associations officially signed a declaration of cooperation for the 101 Genomes Project dedicated to Marfan Syndrome. Charter" version [...]

October 13, 2019

Mrs Olga Dubois and Mr Gabriel Diaconu perform Sergeï Rachmaninov in the Marble Gallery

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

The Gala for the 20th anniversary of the Belgian Association of Marfan Syndrome (ABSM) ended in apotheosis with a performance of Sergeï Rachmaninov by Mrs Olga Dubois and Mr Gabriel Diaconu in the beautiful Marble Gallery of the Palais des Académies. Together, they interpreted 4 pieces: 1) Сирень / Siren / Lilac [...]

October 13, 2019

Watch the speakers' speeches at the ABSM 20 Years Gala

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Mrs. Yvonne JOUSTEN and Mr. Léon BRANDT " ABSM is 20 years old! "Prof. Anne DE PAEPE " ABSM, 20 years of research support " Prof. Julie DE BACKER " The long road to precision medicine for the MFS " Ludivine VERBOOGEN and Romain ROMAN " The ABSM is 20 years old !

12 October 2019


ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Dear all, Thanks to you, the Anniversary Gala Day of the Belgian Marfan Syndrome Association on 5 October 2019 was a great success! Success in terms of attendance, donations, quality of interventions but especially in terms of emotions and sharing. You will be able to (re)live this day by following this [...]

October 13, 2019

Fourth meeting of the F101G Scientific Committee

ABSM 20 Gala, Scientific Committee, 2019

On 5 October 2019, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Palais des Académies, the fourth meeting of the Scientific Committee of Fondation 101 Génomes was held. Physicians and researchers Catherine Boileau, Guillaume Jondeau, Anne De Paepe, Julie De Backer, Bart Loeys, Guillaume Smits, Paul Coucke and Aline Verstraeten was present at that meeting...

October 13, 2019

Invitation to the ABSM 20 Years Gala at the Palais des Académies on 5 October 2019

ABSM 20 Gala, 2019

Dear supporters, We are delighted to invite you to the Gala that will take place on Saturday 5 October 2019 from 1.30 p.m. at the Palais des Académies (Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels) on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Belgian Marfan Syndrome Association (BMSA). The ABSM has decided to associate us closely with this event.

September 20, 2019

The Fonds Baillet-Latour rewards professors Julie de backer and Catherine Boileau


On April 25, 2019, the Fonds Baillet Latour awarded its credit for medical research 2019 of a total amount of 750,000 euros to Professor Julie de backer (University of Ghent and co-Chair of the Scientific Committee of the project 101 genomes Marfan) and its Prix de la Health 2019 in the amount of 250,000 euros to the Professor [...]

April 25, 2019

"Genome and Medicine: Conquests and Frontiers" by Prof. Alain Fischer, 29 March 2019


The Fondation 101 Génomes and Delen Bank organized with the invaluable help of Professor Michel Goldman a Conference evening on Friday 29 March 2019 at the Brussels headquarters of the Bank. At this evening, Professor Anne de Paepe, Pro-Rector of the University of Ghent and President of the Fonds 101 Génomes at the Fondation ROI Baudouin [...]

March 29, 2019

Annual scientific day of the Association Marfan Luxembourgeoise DEN-I


DEN-I, the Luxembourg Marfan Syndrome Association, organised its annual scientific day in Luxembourg on Saturday 23 March 2019. The ABSM was invited to participate in this day during which the 101 Genomes Project dedicated to Marfan syndrome was presented to the patients members of the Luxembourgish association as well as to the medical staff who are working on the project.

March 23, 2019

Annual day of the Belgian society of human genetics


On 15 March 2019, the 19th annual meeting of the Belgian Society of Human Genetics (BeSHG) took place at the Palais des Congrès in Liège. Romain was invited to close this annual meeting by presenting to all geneticists in Belgium the work of the Fondation 101 Génomes in general and the 101 Genomes Project in particular.

March 15, 2019

On May 5, 2019, the F101G ran the 10km of Uccle!

F101G RUN, 2019

On May 5, 2019, 45 runners participated in the 10km of Uccle to support the action of Fondation 101 Génomes. For the second consecutive year, the F101G took part in the 12th edition of the Uccle 10km, a friendly and family run that starts in the beautiful Wolvendaele park. This year 45 runners took part in the race.

April 5, 2019

Theatrical improvisation show of the company Motamo


On March 14th, more than 130 spectators attended the Tartine à Lasne, a theatrical improvisation show by the Motamo company organised to benefit the F101G. Vincent Verboogen, Ludivine's brother, organized a theatrical improvisation show to benefit Fondation 101 Génomes. This show was given in Lasne (France) and [...]

March 14, 2019

Third meeting of the Scientific Committee of F101G

Scientific Committee, 2019

On 22 February 2019, the third meeting of the Scientific Committee of the 101 Genome Project on Marfan Syndrome took place at the premises of Bank Delen in Brussels. During this meeting, the scientists agreed on the phenotypic criteria to be collected and discussed a proposal for algorithmic assistance in the collection of genomes for Marfan syndrome.

February 22, 2019

Participation of the F101G in the launch of the "Global Commission" (Takeda, Eurordis and Microsoft Consortium)


On 20 February 2019 the Global Commission's duplex launch by Eurordis, Microsoft and Takeda took place jointly in Brussels and New York. The Global Commission aims to shorten the diagnostic odyssey of rare disease patients. Romain was invited at this event to talk about the odyssey that has [...]

February 20, 2019

"Tame the genome to advance research by 10 years" by Romain Alderweireldt


It is with pleasure that my wife and I responded to Véronique Vrinds' invitation to prepare a special issue of the newspaper "Le Coeur & la Main" dedicated to the "101 Marfan Genomes Project" (hereafter P101GM) of the " Fondation 101 Génomes " (hereafter F101G). P101GM is the result of the ABSM's action and it would certainly not exist in [...].

October 18, 2018

"Our dream is to advance research by 10 years" by Ludivine Verboogen

Capsule, 2018

1. can you introduce yourself? My name is Ludivine Verboogen, I founded the F101G with my husband Romain Alderweireldt and I am the mother of Aurélien who is suffering from Marfan syndrome. 2. can you explain to us what is the project 101 genomes Marfan? The P101GM consists in setting up a bio-informatics platform [...]

June 8, 2018

"Transforming a drama into a creative force" by Prof. Guillaume Jondeau

Capsule, 2018

1. can you introduce yourself? My name is Guillaume Jondeau, I am a cardiologist at the Bichat hospital in Paris. I am responsible for the national reference centre for Marfan syndrome and related diseases which is held at the Bichat hospital also, of the French sector of rare vascular diseases and of the European sector which is called [...]

June 8, 2018

"Of the three billion letters of DNA in a genome, only a small part is understood" by Prof. Guillaume Smits

Capsule, 2018

1. could you introduce yourself? I am Dr. Guillaume Smits, geneticist, with a long training in laboratory and research. Lately, I worked for eight years at the Huderf children's Hospital Queen Fabiola as a pediatric geneticist where I had the opportunity to meet Mr and Mrs Alderweireldt-Verboogen who created the Fondation 101 Génomes . 2. [...]

June 8, 2018

"Genome sequencing will advance research and make an important contribution to patient care" by Prof. Bart Loeys

Capsule, 2018

1. can you introduce yourself? I'm Bart Loeys. I am a clinical geneticist at the Centre for medical genetics at the University of Antwerp. I have been doing research in the field of Marfan syndrome and related diseases for many years. 2. can you explain the project 101 genomes Marfan? The syndrome [...]

June 8, 2018

"Trying to better treat and prevent the complications of the disease" by Prof. Catherine Boileau

Capsule, 2018

1. can you introduce yourself? I'm Catherine Boileau. I am a geneticist and I run the Department of Genetics at the Bichat hospital in Paris. 2. can you explain to us what is the project 101 genomes Marfan? The P101GM consists in achieving, for the first time, in a selected number from 101 patients [...]

June 8, 2018

"For me, better informing and treating the patient is the most important goal" by Prof. Julie De Backer

Capsule, 2018

1. can you introduce yourself? I'm Julie de backer. I am a cardiologist and clinical geneticist at the Ghent University Hospital. 2. can you explain to us what is the project 101 genomes Marfan? The P101GM is intended to correlate clinical and genetic damage in Marfan syndrome in [...]

June 8, 2018

"A pilot project that extends to other diseases" by Dr. Verboogen

Capsule, 2018

Can you introduce yourself? My name is Michel Verboogen, I am the President of F101G and I am also Aurélien's grandfather. In life, I'm a doctor specialising in psychiatry. 2. Can you explain to us what the Marfan Genome 101 Project is all about? P101GM is a project that consists of comparing data [...]

June 8, 2018

"It's a technological revolution! " by Prof. Paul Coucke

Capsule, 2018

1. can you introduce yourself? My name is Paul Coucke . I am a professor at the University of Ghent in the Department of medical genetics where I am responsible for the connective tissue laboratory. I supervise Diagnostics in laboratories, i.e. samples sent to us for diagnostic reasons, and I also supervise research in [...]

June 8, 2018

" The genome is you, it's me " by Bruno Fonteyn, attorney-at-law

Capsule, 2018

1. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Bruno Fonteyn. I'm active in health law. I'm mainly involved in monitoring clinical research, biobanks and that sort of thing. I've been working as a lawyer for about ten years now, and a few years before that I was a member of the National Council of the Medical Association. […]

June 8, 2018

"Individuals carrying the same mutation can have a wide range of phenotypes" by Aline Verstraeten, UZA

Capsule, 2018

1. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Aline Verstraeten. I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp. I first did a PhD on Parkinson's disease, then I moved on to research on pathologies of the aorta. My focus is on the search for new genes for syndromic thoracic aortic aneurysm and on the development of new genes for the aortic aneurysm of the thoracic aorta.

June 8, 2018

"F101G fills a gap that still existed, that of support for genetic research" by Cécile Chabot

Capsule, 2018

1. could you introduce yourself? My name is Cécile Chabot. I have Marfan syndrome. I participated in the activities of ABSM, I founded this association with other directors. I am particularly interested in F101G for the hope that it gives us in terms of fundamental research. 2. Why do you support the project 101 genomes Marfan [...]

June 8, 2018

"A unifying project for patients' associations, a European minimum" by Stéphanie Delaunay

Capsule, 2018

1. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Stéphanie Delaunay, I am president of the French Association Marfans. 2. Why do you support the Marfan Genome 101 Project at Fondation 101 Génomes ? The French association Marfans has decided to support this project from the beginning because it is an ambitious project that will allow researchers and scientists working on the Marfan Genome 101 to [...]

June 8, 2018

"The objective of the F101G is fully in line with the objectives and missions of the King Baudouin Foundation" by Patricia Lanssiers

Capsule, 2018

1. Can you introduce yourself? I am Patricia Lanssiers and I work at the King Baudouin Foundation. 2. Why do you support the Marfan Genome 101 Project at Fondation 101 Génomes ? The King Baudouin Foundation is a public utility foundation serving the general interest that works on different areas, for example, a poverty area, a [...]

June 8, 2018

"There is a need to establish a legal framework that fits as well as possible with research activities" by Michael Lognoul

Capsule, 2018

1. can you introduce yourself? My name is Michael Lognoul. I am a researcher at the Research Centre for information, law and societies at the Faculty of law of the University of Namur. I started a PhD recently and I am an Assistant in topics that deal with information law, computer science and the Internet. 2. Why do you support [...]

June 8, 2018

"A unique and unprecedented example of patient participation in scientific research" by Prof. Anne De Paepe


Rare genetic diseases, such as Marfan's syndrome, have long been a neglected field of medicine. Because of their rarity, the knowledge and interest of the medical profession are often inadequate, so that many patients go through a long period of research to obtain an accurate diagnosis, a follow-up and [...]

October 18, 2018

"How to become an expert among experts: the example of Fondation 101 Génomes by Fanny Duysens


The projects of the Fondation 101 Génomes are not trivial. A genome that decodes itself, the evils that are called, the diseases that define themselves, the treatments that develop... And then patients, relatives, scientists, doctors, or even philanthropists dialoguing around the same table, animated by hopes, goals, [...]

October 18, 2018

"Two parents go on a Biomedical research assault to help their child... and those of others! "by Guillemette Pardoux


Brussels - Romain and Ludivine, parents of a child suffering from a rare disease, Marfan Syndrome, have set up a Foundation under the aegis of the King Baudouin Foundation, Fondation 101 Génomes, to finance the creation of a computerised platform for collection and genomic analysis. This innovative bioinformatics tool will be used by researchers in the field of genomics and [...]

October 18, 2018

"Genetic diseases are not invincible" by Peter O'Donnell and Alisa Herrero


Genetic diseases are not invincible Every day, the scientific community is discovering new approaches to combat congenital diseases. A Belgian initiative is being set up to develop an innovative approach that will make a major contribution to this goal. Until recently, people suffering from a genetic disease could not do much more than they could do [...].

October 18, 2018

The project 101 genomes Marfan seen by Dessie Lividikou and Laurens Ivens


Our history Our son Sam was born on September 24, 2017. He has Neonatal Marfan Syndrome, a severe variant of Marfan Syndrome. Marfan Syndrome is a progressive disorder in which the connective tissue in the body is not produced properly. This mainly affects the heart, lungs, skeleton and [...]

October 18, 2018

"Faster diagnosis and better care" by Véronique Vrinds, ABSM


President of the ABSM As President of the Belgian Marfan Syndrome Association (ABSM), I feel it is essential to support the 101 Genomes Project of Fondation 101 Génomes. It is an innovative project that will allow us to better understand the disease and thus to better control it. This better understanding gives a lot of hope for the future of Marfan Syndrome.

October 18, 2018

"A big boost for Marfan syndrome research" by Lauriane Janssen


1. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Lauriane Janssen. I have Marfan Syndrome and since 2017 I am the President of the Marfan Europe Network. I have been active for almost 10 years with the Belgian Marfan Syndrome Association as a scientific contact for Marfan Syndrome sufferers in Belgium.

October 18, 2018

"The future remains uncertain and exciting" by Dessie Lividikou


Why do you support the 101 Marfan Genomes Project? My name is Dessie Lividikou and I'm Sam's mom. When he was born on September 24, 2017, we learned that Sam had Neonatal Marfan Syndrome. A severe progressive connective tissue dysfunction. Doctors told us that most children...

October 18, 2018

"A source of inspiration" by Prof. Anne De Paepe


1. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Anne De Paepe, I'm a professor of human genetics at the University of Ghent and head of the department of medical genetics in Ghent, where I've set up a research unit and a clinical service specialising in connective tissue diseases, including [...].

October 18, 2018

"A Citizen's Dialogue on the Genome" by Gerrit Rauws (FRB)


1. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Gerrit Rauws. I'm Director of the Health Programme at the King Baudouin Foundation. We help philanthropists achieve their goals and projects for the common good. In addition, we also develop projects to improve health care and the quality of life of the people who live in the area...

October 18, 2018

On May 6, 2018, run the 10km of Uccle with the F101G!

F101G RUN, 2018

Dear All, a huge thank you for your participation of yesterday in the 10k of Uccle with the F101G! It was a great first for us and you made it a success: it was a memorable day full of joy to live, energy and pleasure to be together. It feels good! Running with us, you have contributed to [...]

March 15, 2018

Fondation 101 Génomes, Fonds 101 Génomes & Projet 101 Génomes Marfans


Fondation 101 Génomes (F101G) The Fondation 101 Génomes was created in November 2017 by the parents of a little boy with a rare disease. The aim of F101G is to promote research by providing scientists with a cross-referenced database containing genomic and phenotypic data of patients with rare diseases.

December 12, 2017

At the origin


Our son Aurélien, born in 2015, is suffering from a spontaneous form of Marfan syndrome diagnosed during his first year of life. Marfan syndrome is the result of connective tissue damage[1] caused by a deleterious mutation of the FBN1 gene on chromosome 15, which results in the fibrillin protein encoded by the FBN1 gene being deleted from the body's immune system.

September 3, 2015