Thank you for your support and generosity during a year 2021 that has been difficult for many of us.
Despite this , in 2021, laboratory (GEMS) and bioinformatics (Genome4BXL) researchers that we are funding thanks to you have worked tirelessly on Marfan syndrome. The development of the genomic biobank in the Cloud, on which we are working, has progressed thanks to the combined work of the team of engineers, bioinformaticians, geneticists and lawyers working with us. We would also like to mention the success of the Filigranes action, which ended with a nocturne that allowed us to see some of you again for an evening (photos are available here).
In 2022, Fondation 101 Génomes will need you more than ever to fund innovative research for better diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.
Donations of at least 40 euros are tax-deductible via our Fonds 101 Génomes to the King Baudouin Foundation IBAN: BE 10 0000 0000 0404 communication ***017/1730/00036***.
As in 2021, the first €25,000 donated to Fondation 101 Génomes in 2022 will be doubled by a generous donor.
First donation doubled in 2022
Why are some children sick when they shouldn't be? Why are some adults not, when they should be? Part of the answer to these questions lies in our genes.
In the context of rare diseases, this response would allowconsider therapies for diseases that are currently incurable.
The Fondation 101 Génomes supports genomic and bioinformatics research to answer these questions and one day
better diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.