Watermarks | Books recommended by the F101G team

2021 / Friday, November 26th, 2021

From 22 to 29 November 2021 20% of your online purchases on filigranes.be with the promo code " 101 GENOMES "are donated to the Fondation 101 Génomes! As part of this action, we have asked the main people involved in the Fondation 101 Génomes adventure to recommend a book.

Here are their suggestions:

1. Prof. Guillaume Smits (ERASME) | Scientific Advisor of the F101G 

Professor Guillaume Smits advises the graphic novel Ailefroide; Altitude 3954 by Jean-Marc Rochette.

He writes about this graphic novel: "A life. The mountain. A life. It's all there. Instant classic".. ⇒ Order "Ailefroide ; Altitude 3954" online from Filigranes 

It also invites you to read Plastics, the big rush by Nathalie Gontard.

He explains about the book: "This year I read about the plastic apocalypse announced by Nathalie Gontard in "Plastique, le grand emballement". In medicine, as everywhere else, plastic is - now and for a long time to come - an inevitable torrent. What should we do? Believe in science to find solutions?. ⇒ Order "Plastics, the big wrap-up" online from Watermark


2. Prof. Bart Loeys (UZA) | Co-chair of the F101G scientific board for the Marfan syndrome pilot project

Professor Bart Loeys recommends: A little life (trans. fr. " A life like any other".) by Hanya Yanagihara which he recently read and liked very much.

Filigranes writes about this book that it is a "A poignant chronicle of contemporary male friendship, A Life Like Any Other follows four college friends who have come to conquer New York over the course of several decades.. ⇒ Order 'Une vie comme les autres' online from Filigranes


3. Prof. Julie De Backer (UZ Gent) | Co-chair of the F101G scientific board for the Marfan syndrome pilot project

Professor Julie De Backer proposes Cutting for Stones of Abraham Verghese.

She writes to us: "This is a book in which I was drawn in from cover to cover by a wonderful story about brotherly love, charity, love for a country and love for a profession - and now that profession is specifically medicine. The title refers to a very important principle of medicine "thou shall not cut for stone" - or "primum non nocere". The story is set in Ethiopia - a country that is unfortunately hit by all sorts of disasters, but which is beautifully described in the book. The story of the trainee doctor in the US seems recognisable - and contrasts with medical care in the main character's home country - which makes you think!". ⇒ Order 'Cutting for Stones' online from Filigranes


4. Prof. Anne De Paepe (UZ Gent) | President of the 101 Genomes Fund at the King Baudouin Foundation

Professor Anne De Paepe recommends reading the book An anxious mind (trans. fr. " From elation to depression: confession of a manic-depressive psychiatrist") by Kay Redfield Jamison.

For her, it is a "An autobiographical book by a psychiatrist who suffers from bipolar disorder. She tells us with great authenticity the story of her life, the daily struggle with this chronic, incurable and devastating illness. The disruptive and destabilising effect of the succession of manic phases and severe depressions on the life not only of the sufferer, but also of those close to her, her family, friends and colleagues is poignantly described and leaves the reader shaken. But this story is also and above all a message of hope, of survival, of victory over the disease, thanks to a boundless perseverance and tenacity, a passion for her profession and above all, thanks to the love of her husband and her loved ones who never cease to believe in her and to give her support and encouragement, even in the darkest and most desperate moments. She finally manages to find the family and professional balance she so badly needs! A wonderful book!. ⇒ Order 'An inquiet mind' online from Filigranes


5. Géraldine Van der Auwera (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard) | Genomic Cloud Mentor

The F101G recommends that bioinformaticians read the excellent book by our 'Genomic Cloud Mentor' Géraldine Van der Auwera: Genomics in the Cloud, Using Docker, GATK, and WDL in Terra.

This book explains "How to concretely use the resources of the Cloud to collaboratively achieve the statistical power that will allow genomics to deliver its promise and bioinformatics to flourish through Terra.bio".. ⇒ Order Genomics in the Cloud online


6. Dr Douchka Peyra (ABSM) | President Belgian Marfan Syndrome Association

Dr. Dushka Peyra invites us to read The Lambeau by Philippe Lançon.

She writes of this book that it is a "The story of the wound, not only physical, left by a violent act (Charlie Hebdo attack). There is a before and an after.. ⇒ Order 'Le Lambeau' online from Filigranes

It also recommends Revolusi by David van Reybrouck.

Because it is a "Formidable work of documentation to trace the history of the colonization of Indonesia by the Dutch, and the access to Independence.. ⇒ Order 'Revolusi' online from Filigranes


7. Rémi Rondia (LUSS & ABSM) | President of the Ligue des Usagers des Services de Santé and member of the ABSM board

Rémi Rondia recommends reading What if... we set our imagination free to create the future we want? by Rob Hopkins.

He explains that it is a "This book has a very special symbolism because, apart from the fact that I know the author well, it is the first book of my second life. I read this book as soon as I came back from the intensive care unit at Saint-Luc last year. It made me think about the direction of my daily life after my operation.. ⇒ Order "What if... we set our imagination free to create the future we want?" online from Filigranes


8. Alisa Herrero (F101G) | Impatient in chief

Alisa Herrero strongly recommends that you immerse yourself in the The Arabic of the future by Riad Sattouf.

This cycle is for her "An autobiographical comic about political idealism, authoritarianism and culture shock. Superbly written and drawn. Funny, sad... just excellent".. ⇒ Order "The Arab of the Future" (Volumes 1 to 5) online from Filigranes 

Alisa, who has just moved to Vienna, also suggests reading (or re-reading) The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig.

She confides that it is about "A nostalgic book about the death of a civilization that thought it was solid. Full of sensitivity, I was overwhelmed by this history lesson, both personal and masterful.. ⇒ Order "Le Monde d'hier" online from Filigranes


9. David Bouchez (F101G) | FAIR Genomics

David Bouchez proposes the book Thirsty by Amélie Nothomb.

When asked why he made this choice, he replied: "Do you really need an explanation to recommend a book by Amélie Nothomb?. ⇒ Order 'Thirst' online from Filigranes

David also suggests reading Thinking Fast & Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

He acknowledges that "The first part of the book is a bit long but the author 'sums up' decades of past research. He analyses human judgement mechanisms and biases: how do we make our choices, do we live in a world as rational as we think?. ⇒ Order 'Thinking Fast & Slow' online from Filigranes


10. Florent Dubois (F101G) | CTO

Florent Dubois suggests reading the Discourse on voluntary servitude by Etienne de la Boétie.

It is for him "A timeless text that questions our reactions and behaviour in the face of authority, especially when restrictions of freedom are at stake. It is interesting to draw a parallel between the current situation and a text written in 1576 by a young man who had just come of age.. ⇒ Order the "Discourse of Voluntary Servitude" online from Filigranes


11. Dr Michel Verboogen (F101G) | President of the Fondation 101 Génomes

Dr Michel Verboogen recommends reading The promise of dawn by Romain Gary.

« A masterpiece of universal scope to be devoured or reread "he tells us. ⇒ Order 'The Promise of Dawn' online from Filigranes


12. Ludivine Verboogen (F101G) | Founder

Ludivine Verboogen invites you to read The anomaly by Hervé Le Tellier.

Because she really enjoyed reading this book "Confusing and addictive, "The Anomaly" turns its readers' heads. By mixing the destiny of ordinary people with the incomprehensible and the extraordinary, Hervé Le Tellier takes us on a Paris-New York flight that explores the boundaries of our reality.. ⇒ Order 'L'anomalie' online from Filigranes


13. Romain Alderweireldt (F101G) | Founder

Romain Alderweireldt invites you to discover Antifragile by Nassim Taleb.

He sums it up in one question and one answer: "How to be Antifragile in the face of the black swans that appear in our lives? Nassim Taleb invites all his culture as an "amateur flaneur" to remind us that the storms of life are invitations to grow.. ⇒ Order 'Antifragile' online from Filigranes


14. Aurélien Alderweireldt (F101G) | Superhero

And last but not least, Aurélien Alderweireldt, superhero, advises The colour of emotions by Anna Llenas.

Because according to him "It is very good for reading with friends at school so that everyone can talk and understand each other.. ⇒ Order 'The Colour of Emotions' online from Filigranes



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