Hiring a postdoctoral researcher in machine learning and bioinformatics for the Genome4Brussels consortium

2022, G4BXL

In the framework of the Genome4Brussels (G4BXL) consortium, Prof. Tom Lenaerts and Dr. Sofia Papadimitriou (info) are hiring a researcher to join the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (http://www.ibsquare.be) and the ULB Machine Learning group (http://mlg.ulb.ac.be) to continue their team's fascinating work on the oligogenic causes of rare and less rare diseases. The announcement is available [...]

21 May 2022

Genome4Brussels by Emma Verkinderen

2022, G4BXL

Since 2019, Fondation 101 Génomes has been participating in the Genome4Brussels project co-financed by the Brussels region (Innoviris). This project brings together the Foundation and three organisations specialised in bioinformatics, genetics and algorithms: the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics Brussels (IB)², the ULB Center of Human Genetic (CHG) and the ULB Machine Learning Group (MLG). This consortium has set up [...]

24 March 2022

Genome4Brussels by Sofia Papadimitriou

2022, G4BXL

Since 2019, Fondation 101 génomes has had the privilege of working with three organisations specialised in bioinformatics, genetics and algorithms (IB², CHG and MLG) on the Genomes4Brussels project co-financed by the Brussels region (Innoviris). Genome4Brussels aims to create an ecosystem to optimise the development of bioinformatics tools for genome analysis and to facilitate the transfer of these tools to [...]

12 February 2022

Genome4Brussels: AI, Genomics & Rare Diseases


In 2019, the 101 Genomes Foundation, the Interuniversity Institute Of Bioinformatics Brussels (IB2), the ULB Center of Human Genetics (CHG) and the ULB Machine Learning Group (MLG) participated in a call for projects launched by Innoviris with the "Genome4Brussels" project. Within the framework of this project, they have decided to create an ecosystem that will allow the optimisation of the [...]

31 May 2021